Kapaau is a small town located on the northern side of the Kohala Mountains in the northwestern part of Hawaii Island, known as North Kohala, which juts out like a peninsula.

It has a population of just over 1,000 and is the oldest community on the Big Island, formed by volcanoes.
Along with the neighboring town of Hawi, it is known as the birthplace of King Kamehameha and is a town that retains Hawaii's distinguished history and culture.

This place is
KULEANA = responsibility
ALOHA = Aloha Spirit
MALAMA = compassion
PONO - a rare place where harmony is valued and protected by people.

This place gives you the feeling of being in the good Hawaii, where the fresh breeze flows, the sunlight pours in, the birds chirp, and the land is filled with the energy of nature, and a banyan tree that is over 200 years old gently watches over us.

byDECO has named this place of healing "Banyan Bridge," and will provide spiritual healing through experiences of Hawaiian culture, art, wellness, and food, including clay flower crafting.

Why not surrender yourself to nature and spend some time relaxing?
You will surely discover a new you and gain energy for tomorrow.

Have a wonderful time.

  • Yukiko M. Yukiko Miyai

    Founder of DECO Hawaii & Clay Artist

    In 2001, he started a clay art class on the island of Oahu, Hawaii.
    Established the Hawaii branch of the DECO Clay Craft Academy. Focusing on the delicate beauty of plants, he continues to research how to express them in clay.
    He is constantly creating new pieces and teaching his techniques through classes to DECO Clay Craft Academy certified instructors around the world.
    Fascinated by Hawaii's nature, culture, and people, and wanting to share this experience with many people, he launched the byDECO brand in 2022. He aims to provide experiences that will heal the mind and body and allow people to incorporate them into their lifestyle.

  • Tim J.

    Managing Director & Digital Media

    Moved to Hawaii in 2007.
    Using his experience living in Japan, he introduces Japanese culture to the world.
    He has been involved in photography for a long time and is responsible for photographing, producing videos, and designing clay flower works.
    In addition to carpentry and electrical work, they also grow vegetables on the Banyan Bridge grounds and maintain the gardens.

    With a background in mental and physical health and environmental issues, she has a passion and interest in food and enjoys sharing her cooking.

  • Chenli W.

    Creative Support Lead

    He has worked as Yukiko's assistant on numerous projects for many years.
    He is an instructor at the DECO Clay Craft Academy Hawaii.
    The careful and perfect work is second to none.
    She also creates works by DECO Flower.

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  • Hanako, Keiko & Tomoko

    Japan Team

    From creating floral artwork to planning events and marketing activities, we can help you with the process of coming to the Big Island.
    In addition to selling products within Japan, we will also be in charge of making arrangements to ensure that customers have a safe and comfortable visit to Banyan Bridge.

  • Katie (Lady) G.

    Banyan Bridge Patrol

    They were born on the grounds of Banyan Bridge and inherited from the previous owner, becoming part of the family as Katie's parents.
    Katie lives in the woods and is very smart about managing her property.

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アイランドハーベストのオーガニックマカダミアナッツは、ハワイ島のコハラ山の斜面で栽培されています。世界でも数少ない完全有機マカダミア農場の1つで水の抽出や灌漑を使用せずに栽培されています。100%オーガニック!  「オーガニックマカダミア シーソルト入り」  価格:税込み2450円  内容量:227g  原材料:マカダミアナッツ、食塩  (牛乳、小麦、ピーナッツ、その他木の実が含まれている可能性があります)  商品説明:  完璧にローストされ、軽く塩味のついた有機マカダミアナッツは、カリカリで健康的なスナックです。低温焙煎することで、栄養価を最大限に引き出しています。